
Is it possible to get data going back more than 12 months? Yes. The reference date can be changed at any time and for any analysis report.
Can we isolate employees with chronic absences? Yes. The absence timeline makes it possible to sort employees who are currently absent, on long-term absence or having chronic absences.
Is it possible to display or report only unplanned absences? Yes. Biings has a smart filter to display planned and/or unplanned absences.
Can we export absences in Excel format? Yes. Each report can be saved on the main dashboard. The selected filter options (including date) are stored and allow for comparison of the same analysis at a different period.
Can we download or print the analysis reports? Yes, both PDF and CSV file options (Excel-compatible) are available for download and print.
Can medical certificates be sent directly to the insurance? Yes. For each ongoing claim, any type of attachment can be added and forwarded to the insurance company.
What insurance companies are compatible with Biings? Allianz, AXA, Baloise, Generali, Grape, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, Helvetia, Innova, Mobilière, Solida, Suva, SWICA, Sympany, Vaudoise, Visana and Zurich, plus all insurance companies complying with BBT Software XML protocol.
Some insurances automatically return claim numbers right into Biings, no need to wait for a return email. This is true for Allianz, AXA, Baloise, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, Suva, SWICA, Vaudoise, Visana and Zurich.
Any Swiss insurance can be connected to Biings. Contact us to learn more.
Are there fees when switching to another sickness or accident insurance? No. You can create new policies and coverages at any time as long as the new insurance is compatible with Biings.
Can we share access to Biings with another provider (e.g. insurance, broker)? Yes, user access for an external provider can be specially created. However, operating Biings remains limited to internal employees.


Can Biings interface with other software? Yes. Biings can interface with any software that can export or share its data. Biings includes a system of interfaces to receive and synchronize data with one (or more) system already in place. Employee HR data continues to be managed in their respective software, Biings only retrieves it and provides functionality for analysis, follow-up actions and insurance claims.
Is there a setup cost? There are no initial fees when Biings is used without any data integration. If Biings needs to be synchronised with data from another software or HRIS (SAP, Abacus or else) the following fees apply:
Setup Project · Base fee CHF 5'040
Compatible software · Voir la liste +  CHF 3'360 / software
Other software · Specific or in-house +  CHF 4'200 / software
*  Frais calculés sur la base d'un tarif de CHF 210.- / heure
How long would it take to set up Biings in my company? Between 1 to 4 months counting from the project kick-off date until Go-live. The duration mainly depends on the number of data interfaces required between Biings and the systems already in place in your company.
Can Biings be installed on an on-premise server? Yes, Biings can be installed on a proprietary server. This type of distribution requires a subscription to the PILOT module along with the following minimum system requirements:
OS Debian 11 "bullseye" or Windows Server 2012
Processor Dual-Core 2GHz
RAM 8 Gb or 4 Gb for small organisations
Disk space 30 Gb (OS excluded)
Database PostgreSQL 11 or Microsoft SQL Server
Web Server Nginx or Apache

Are there any additional costs associated with a server distribution? Yes, the maintenance of Biings on a proprietary server is charged at 15% of the annual subscription.
Is maintenance included? Yes, the subscription to Biings includes maintenance with frequent updates and access to new features as soon as their are released. The subscription also includes a hotline and application support.
How is the number of employees calculated? Each contracted employee counts toward the subscription, regardless of his commitment rate. Subsequently, the data of the employees remain accessible even after termination of the employment relationship.
What happens if this pricing changes? When we do that, we exempt existing customers from those changes. However, we may choose to change the prices for existing customers when they purchase additional products or which to upgrade from old legacy versions (V.1.x). Learn more.


Is Biings in compliance with data protection laws? Yes, Biings complies with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (LPD) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Learn more.
How is the privacy of the data secured? In addition to the access rights defined in Biings, all data are stored on a secure center in Switzerland. The exchanges between the server and the users are always authenticated and encrypted by an SSL certificate. Learn more.
Is Biings accessible to all users? No. Access rights are configured from the Settings panel by levels or groups of employees. The selection of people and data accessible to the user is entirely managed within the application.
Where is Biings server located? Our server is hosted by Infomaniak in Geneva, Switzerland.

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