Biings combines everything you need when it comes to absences management, on top of safeguarding the occupational health and well-being of your teams.
Exclusive to PILOT
Real-time and 12-months rolling statistics to understand trends and social climate in each team.
Absence rate indicator (overall and by segment) with split rate between short and long term cases.
Exclusive to PILOT
Group monitoring filtered by department, occupation, age, seniority, gender, activity rate (and more depending on available data).
Exclusive to PILOT
By organizational unit, occupation, age, seniority, gender and activity rate (more depending on available data).
Exclusive to PILOT
Repartion of absence cases over six categories of length (from very short to long duration, up to 720 days).
Exclusive to PILOT
Trend analysis of the number of cases over time – the most reliable absence forecasting indicator.
Exclusive to PILOT
Carefully designed workflows to manage absences and follow up on chronic cases.
Exclusive to PILOT
Employees with chronic absence cases (4+ in 12 months) are instantly recognized and brought to the attention of managers and HR.
Predefined reminders of all important deadlines or case management follow-ups.
Exclusive to PILOT
Embedded practical advices for Managers and HR with preventive practices for managing absences and conducting interviews.
Visual timeline summary for each employee with all ongoing and planned follow-up actions.
Independent timeline for each actor involved in case management.
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Digitally send illness, accident or maternity notifications to your insurance company, right from within Biings.
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Cases that are about to reach their waiting period are monitored and brought to your attention when they need to be notified to the insurance.
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Each claim report is automatially pre-filled with the employee's and event data and are ready to be sent right away.
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Setup one or several insurance policies, Biings will monitor absences and indemnities against each coverage rule.
Manage certificates and their validity period, send them to the insurance and stay informed when renewals are due.
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Track received indemnities for each cases, Biings computes the total amount and what remains to be received.
Absences belonging to the same case are automatically linked or merged together.
Exclusive to PILOT
Counting of cases and days of absence
Link multiple absences to one case
Exclusive to PILOT
Absent-FTE indicator
Exclusive to PILOT
Chart of the number of cases over time
Exclusive to PILOT
Chronic absences indicator
Current open cases counter (with short and long term split)
Exclusive to PILOT
Custom filters
Exclusive to PILOT
Custom segment saving and monitoring
Exclusive to PILOT
Absence analytics dashboard (all segments)
CSV / Excel export option
Exclusive to PILOT
Analysis reports PDF download
Super-fast reporting engine for instant absence analytics
Absence rate settings and choice of absence types to count
Exclusive to PILOT
Direct cost of absence indicator
Exclusive to PILOT
Ratio of the number of cases per person
Exclusive to PILOT
Analysis period toggle: by month or by year (rolling 12-month)
Follow-up actions log (past and future)
Note area for each absence, follow-up or open case
Unshared private notes
DI/IV early detection reminders
Medical certificate reminders (missing or expired)
Shared attachement for specific follow-up actions
30+ predefined follow-up actions
Visual representation of medical certificats validity period
17+ predefined case management actors
Ongoing absences listing
Exclusive to PILOT
Chronic cases listing
Exclusive to PILOT
Long-term absences listing
Exclusive to PILOT
Listing of highly chronic cases (more than 6 events) or unfollowed absences
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Claim reports PDF download
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Instant return of claim numbers (for supported insurances)
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Attachement of indemnity receipts
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Visual timeline representation of indemnified period
Automatic attachement of medical certificates sent from the mobile app
Sorting of claim reports by status (new, open, archived)
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Storage of local physicians contact information
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Post-send attachements related to open claim reports
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Contact person selection for each claim report
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Display of total pending & received allowances per case
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Listing of all received allowances per case
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Support for 20'000+ Swiss professions (NSP 2000)
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Auto-selection of the profession according to the person's position in the company
Exclusive to NOTIFY
Mandatory fields highlight according to each insurance requirement
Employee's profile (personal data, current position and event history)
Visual absence timelines (individual or grouped)
Absence input and management (with unlimited number of causes/types)
Support for variable incapacity rates and open-ended absence period
Customizable absence causes/types (code, color and description)
Anomaly detection (eg: 2 absences at the same time)
Still wondering if Biings can do this or that, the answer might very well be in our FAQ!
Biings helps Managers follow their team's absences and return to work. Stop using sophisticated tools or messy spreadsheets to generate the absence statistics you need. Simplify and let Biings prepare analytics and show you who needs attention. It's all you need to coordinate follow ups and implement your occupational health policy.
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